這是Siggraph SpaceTime Exhibition 在Second Life虛擬網路世界的展覽, http://slurl.com/secondlife/Otis%20Island/243/166/24/?img=http%3A//ospace.otis.edu/files/M48247cad01590.jpg&title=Otis%20Exhibition%20Space&msg=SIGGRAPH%20Student%20Show

你需要下載免費的Secondlife檔案然後安裝在你的電腦 http://secondlife.com/
並建立一個自己的虛擬人物 (我已經做好了,還蠻有意思的,可以和其他人聊天)

這次的開幕會同時進行 是有史以來的第一次
Date: Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2008
Time: 5:30 PM PST (台灣時間8/14 早上8:30 AM)

有作品入選的同學有收到email附件PDF檔是Second Life的操作使用說明
體驗一下Second Life的虛擬世界的遊戲魅力

Announcing SIGGRAPH 2008 SpaceTime - Second Life Exhibition
Date: Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2008
Time: 5:30 PM PST
You need to start by downloading SL and installing it on your computer by going to: www.secondlife.com
To attend virtually:

1. Go to: secondlife.com and click the “Get Started” link.... Follow instructions they provide to create an avatar.
    You cannot go or do anything in second life without the avatar.

2. Once you’ve completed the forms (be sure to make note of your avatar’s exact name and your password -- the system is case
    sensitive), you will be directed “in-world.” If there is time, please complete their training re. movement, search, teleporting,
    and communicating.

3. With Second Life running in the background, launch your browser and enter the SLURL:
    When you use this URL, you will see "NO SL DATA AVAILABLE"(image1).

In order to get the data, you need to go to or launch Second  Life which the page will allow you to do." Go to the second life window and you will see a small window saying “Otis College of Art and Design” with a teleport button at the bottom of the window (image 2).

Push the button and you will be teleport directly to the island."(image 3)

NOTE: There will be an in-world tutorial on the Otis Island and we would like all people who are unfamiliar with SL to attend. However, before you can come to the tutorial, you need to get yourself started with an avatar and the software (above). 
The in-world tutorial will be on Saturday, July 26 at 2pm Eastern Standard Time on Otis Island. The SLURL is:

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